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Dental Implants: Should you get them?

1. What are dental implants?

Simply put, dental implants act to replace the root of a tooth that is either missing or has been removed. They take the form of small screws made of titanium that are inserted directly into the jaw. A replacement tooth consisting of a crown is then fitted over it. 

While this may sound worrying, it is actually perfectly harmless. In fact, the procedure can restore a perfect row of teeth and can bring a smile back to your face in no time. 

2. Why should I get dental implants?

If you have a missing tooth or two and want a quick and easy way to get your smile back, this is the perfect option for you. 

These implants feel perfectly natural when fitted, and you won’t have to worry about constantly feeling a piece of metal in your mouth. More than that, they look perfectly normal and just like the rest of your teeth, and feel the same, too. No one will even notice until you perhaps decide to point it out.

Dental implants are permanent once installed. Unlike dentures, implants are installed directly into the jaw bone itself, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out at an inopportune time.

3. How is the procedure done?

In order to receive an implant, you will first have to visit a number of specialists in order to gauge your medical condition and to see if it is appropriate to receive one. You will also have to take a comprehensive dental exam. 

When this is finished, you will then receive surgery for the implant to be installed. To install the implant, an experienced and qualified dentist first drills a hole into the jaw through the gum, and the screw is then fitted in. The surgery itself can be as short as 20 minutes. 

Once the metal implant is fitted in, you will then begin a process known as osseointegration (oss-ee-oh-in-tuh-GRAY-shun). This is to allow your jawbone to grow around the implant and to lock it securely in place. This can take 3-6 months, so you’ll have plenty to do during this time. 

After osseointegration is complete, you will undergo another, more minor surgery in order to install the prosthetic crown. This crown is typically made of white ceramic to look and feel like a real tooth. Once the crown is fitted, the process is complete. Of course, some additional healing would be required to allow the gum to grow naturally around the crown.

The length of this process generally depends on the condition of your jawbone. Read here for more information.

4. What is the cost of dental implants?

The exact price of dental implants tend to vary based on how and where you received them, along with your expectations and quality of the implant itself. 

They can cost anywhere from a relatively inexpensive $1,250 to an eye-watering $15,000. Generally, hospitals charge a lower price, while private clinics can be more than twice that.

Mini dental implants are typically cheaper, and can range from a low $700 to $1,500 on average. However, as they are reserved for simple and more minor cases, note that they are not alternatives for traditional implants covered above. Mini-implants tend to be much weaker than traditional ones.

Thankfully, you can use your MediSave account to foot some of the costs

5. Where can you get dental implants?

You can receive implants at many locations in Singapore. Most private dental clinics offer implants, such as The Dental Implant Centre @ One Raffles Place or Nuffield Dental. Some hospitals also offer them, such as Mt. Elizabeth Dental Surgery.

For a full list of locations, please refer to this list.

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