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An Advice From A Family Caregiver

The following answers are from a family caregiver, Cinthia Lim, to questions posed in our Facebook group, Fighting Dementia With Hua Hee. Question: Why Is My Loved One With Dementia Behaving Like This? Answer: I think she’s just going through a lot of transitions in her own mind there are a lot of losses (memory, …

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“Kong simi wei?!” You need to learn dialect. Here’s how.

Dialects are an integral part of Singapore culture: Singlish is a mesh-up of the various dialects and we all know the kopitiam lingo for ordering coffee.

Dialects are an integral part of Singapore culture: Singlish is a mesh-up of the various dialects and we all know the kopitiam lingo for ordering coffee. However, the younger generations, and I speak for myself too, are often called “bananas” or referred to as people who “jiak kantang” (eat potato) for being “yellow” with our …

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Just make them laugh

Aging is tough. We need to find ways to bring joy back to our seniors.

Aging is tough. We need to find ways to bring joy back to our seniors. Last week, my grandma had quite a bit of difficulty getting out of the room. She fell the day before. Although she had no injuries, it made her weaker. It was an intense and stressful situation getting to the dinner …

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It is time to engage your grandparents. Here’s how

It is time to engage your grandparents. Here’s how.

Sarah and her grandma Living with my grandma all my life has many advantages. I get delicious homecooked food everyday. I picked up the Hokkien dialect from a young age and listen to stories about olden Singapore. But, with assignments piling up, I find myself interacting with her less than I wish to. I often …

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How To Assess Your Level of Flexibility

Level of flexibility

Any senior who is deciding to be proactive about stretching and increasing their flexibility is on the right track. However, before you start on your journey, it’s important to know where you currently stand. The only way to do that is to assess your level of flexibility before starting. This will not only give you …

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Flexibility in Seniors: 3 Common Misconceptions and Mistakes

fleixibility in seniors

If you’ve read the book, ‘Stretching’, by Bob Anderson back in the 1970s, you will probably have noticed this important statement he wrote, ‘If you stretch correctly and regularly, you’ll find that every movement you make becomes easier.’ All these years later, his quote still holds true because human anatomy hasn’t changed much. The more …

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How Seniors Can Benefit From Regular Stretching

stretching for seniors

Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates physical fitness system once said, “If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.” He couldn’t have said it better. However, when you are young, you are healthier, stronger and your body is less sensitive. As age creeps …